Everything you need to gain total control over your recurring tasks.
Add tasks to your templates. Add descriptions to the tasks with lists, links and images.
Assign people to different checklists.
Assign people to individual tasks within checklists.
Specify who in a team can add, edit & remove templates and checklists.
Start as many checklists from the same template as you want.
Categorize & group your checklist templates with labels.
Add a list of possible task results for people to select for each task.
Group together tasks into sections within a checklist.
Set due dates on your checklists to avoid completing your tasks too late.
Import your existing checklist from any application where you can copy a list of text.
Specify the order of wich tasks must be completed.
Require all tasks to be completed in order to complete a checklist.
Schedule recurring checklists every day, week, month or any other interval you can think of.
Send email notifications to team members, customers and others when a checklist is completed.
Start checklists on a reciving webhook call or make a webhook call when a checklist is completed.
Add a list of outcome results for people to select when completing a checklist.
Get comments and feedback from people performing a checklist.
Invite your team members by email.
View all your checklists currently in progress.
View everything that you need to know in a glance on your activity feed.
Get notified when something happens that affects you.